Project Results
We have published CLILMED results in CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education.
Use this citation: Valcke, J., Giezynska, J., Nagy, A. D., & Eltayb, A. (2022). CLIL for Medical Universities: Pluricultural Outcomes for the Glocal Classroom. CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 5(2), 7-21.
Download from here or click on the image to go directly to the article.
Detailed Project Results
During the Project we asked ourselves the following questions to arrive at the intended Project Intellectual Outputs:
1. How is CLIL used in medical education today?
We performed a survey to assess the use of student-centred learning and active pedagogies in Poland and Hungary. We wanted to know what kinds of learning-centred pedagogies academic teachers already use, what types of continuous professional development (CPD) exists for them there, and how teachers are incentivised or rewarded to take part in such CPD.
“The analysis on the use of content and language integrated learning methods in HE in Project Countries” is a survey report, comprising the CLILMED Intellectual Output #11 (O11).
Download the CLILMED Survey Report from here.
2. Where is my institution in the process of curriculum internationalisation?
Higher education institutions might already be in the process of curriculum internationalisation and not fully realise it. A peer-led self-assessment, accompanied by the explanation of key concepts of Internationalisation at Home (IaH) and Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC), may define the necessary adjustments at the programme and institution levels.
The materials resulting from the first CLILMED seminar entitled “Mapping Internationalisation of the Curriculum” held in Krakow, Poland in November 2019 is a base for a mapping exercise to that effect. Through this exercise, the concepts of IaH and IoC, a glocal classroom, knowledge development and graduate employability become benchmarks in a critical assessment of the existing institutional practice.
The Mini-Course on “Mapping Internationalisation of the Curriculum” comprise the CLILMED Intellectual Output #1 (O1).
Access the MINI-COURSE here.
3. What are the currently available methods to teach in an international and intercultural classroom?
There is a demand that future healthcare professionals acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity, as suggested by the Sustainable Development Goals. Evidence-based scholarship of teaching and learning practices for the international classroom shows that innovative approaches such as the CLIL approach, where the student is in focus, is the future of higher education.
The materials resulting from the second CLILMED seminar entitled “Contemporary Teaching Methodologies in an Intercultural Classroom” held in Stockholm, Sweden in January 2020 provide an overview on the currently available methods to teach in an international and intercultural classroom. This set of resources enables the persons using them to reflect upon their current teaching practices, while gaining a better understanding and appreciation of their students, their backgrounds and needs.
The e-book on “Contemporary Teaching Methodologies in an Intercultural Classroom” and the accompanying slides comprise the CLILMED Intellectual Output #2 (O2).
For the E-BOOK with slides, click here.
4. What competencies an academic teacher ought to have to teach in the contemporary medical classroom?
Understanding what competencies an academic teacher needs in an intercultural classroom greatly influences the teacher’s ability to develop, create and conduct a teaching module. Knowing what is needed also allows a university to match lecturers with audiences. The Definition of Competencies of an Academic Teacher in an Intercultural Classroom developed in the project particularly addresses the academic teachers at internationalising universities teaching medical and healthcare sciences.
We researched, developed and wrote a “Definition of Competencies of Academics Teaching in an Intercultural Classroom” and it comprises the CLILMED Intellectual Output #3 (O3).
Click here for the Definition.
5. How to assess whether an academic teacher has the desired competencies to teach in a culturally sensitive environment?
Intercultural competence has been identified as a critical life skill likely to predict success in the 21st century workforce. As universities begin to explore expanding traditional models of learning outcomes and emphasise these life skills, there is a need to assess whether teachers and students possess these critical competencies.
The “Assessment of Competencies of an Academic Teaching in an Intercultural Classroom”, comprising the CLILMED Intellectual Output #4 (O4), is a self-assessment tool which allows academic teachers to discover where they are on their intercultural journey.
Click here to access the Self-Assessment TEST.
6. How to improve teachers’ competencies in CLIL teaching?
Because the world is changing at a speed faster than ever anticipated, higher education graduates must 1) be able and motivated to act as globally responsible citizens and leaders in their academic discipline or profession; 2) have developed critical and creative mind-sets; 3) be able to design novel solutions to emerging challenges.
Higher education is expected to contribute to society through delivering graduates of qualities as above. Only academic teachers with relevant competencies will be able to prepare adequate graduates.
We prepared “the Methodology Framework for Improving Competencies in CLIL Teaching” as a roadmap of how to achieve goals set to improve teachers’ competencies, which comprises the CLILMED Intellectual Output #5 (O5).
Access the ROADMAP here.
7. How to begin using CLIL?
As teachers of medical and healthcare sciences you can get introduced to the CLIL approach through this entry-level mini-course. At the course completion you can begin implementing the approach in classes with international groups of students where cultural and linguistic barriers may be otherwise perceived as barriers to learning. In this course you will also receive tools to help your colleagues embark on the CLIL approach through the train-the-trainer element.
We developed the course materials on “Teaching teachers to use CLIL in medical and healthcare sciences at tertiary institutions” as a result of a Pilot Course for academic staff from our partnering institutions, which took place in Galway, Ireland in September 2021. This mini-course comprises the CLILMED Intellectual Output #6 (O6).
Access the CLIL mini-course here.
8. How can you adapt your course material to the CLIL methodology?
Your context for teaching might be that English as a language of instruction is used in a situation where neither you as a teacher nor your students are native English speakers. To provide practical instruction to you as teachers and course leaders, and by extension university leaders and managers in any medical and health care sciences, concerned with enhancing the quality of education within their institutions, we have prepared a guiding tool.
The Guidebook on how to adapt course material and delivery to the CLIL methodology comprises the CLILMED Intellectual Output #10 (O10).
The Guidebook focuses on interactive, learning-centred teaching and an academic course design in a world, where students, ideas, and courses are increasingly non-traditional. The Guidebook provides guidelines, advice and ideas for adjusting and adapting teaching approaches for culturally and linguistically diverse students. It draws upon tried and tested methods alongside the extensive and varied experiences of the CLILMED project participants.
There are four language versions of the Guidebook: English, Polish, Swedish and Hungarian.
Download the Guidebook from here.
9. How can we ensure a wider use of content-centred teaching?
We have researched, developed and wrote “Policy recommendations on the use of modern methods of teaching in the context of internationalisation of higher education: medical universities and the CLIL method as a case study”.
Download the Policy Recommendations from here.
The Partners worked on the Intellectual Outputs of the Project in a collaborative fashion, in a spirit of reciprocity and co-construction.

Project Financing:
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education, total grant: 231 459 €
Project Duration:
October 31, 2019 – October 30, 2022