CLILMED Multiplier Events
- We hosted different events to share the tools we created.
- ME 1 through 10 had the same structure through which each pair of academic teachers (from different countries) who participated in the Pilot Course demonstrated how the knowledge applies in a medical classrooms in a cross-culturally environment. During the 90-minute demonstration the pair showed the audience a lesson from their own discipline, involving the content and language integrated learning approach for more effective learning in an intercultural classroom. The lesson used the materials from the Pilot Course on “Teaching teachers to use CLIL in medical and healthcare sciences at tertiary institutions”. At the beginning of the Event, its leaders showed a short video on the CLIL approach and surveyed the participants with questionnaires developed during the Project to see to what extent the academic teachers present at the Event have the capacity to teach in an intercultural classroom.
- ME 11 and 12 were seminars delivered at international conferences.
- ME 13 was a Policy Recommendations seminar.
- ME 14 was a final online conference.
ME # 1 in Uppsala, Sweden on March 7, 2022
The event at Uppsala University was hosted by Louise Hernander, facilitated by Jennifer Valcke, PhD and Amani Eltayb, PhD from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The speakers were Zsuzsa Nébenführer, MD, PhD from Semmelweis University, Hungary and Prof. Magdalena Szopa from Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland. There were 20 participants.
ME # 2 in Umeå, Sweden on March 21, 2022
The event at Umeå University, Department of Epidemiology and Global was hosted by Dr. Raman Preet, facilitated by Jennifer Valcke, PhD and Amani Eltayb, PhD from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The speakers were Nóra Gampe, Pharm.D, PhD. Semmelweis University, Hungary and Damian Szczesny, PhD, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland. There were 20 participants.
ME # 3 in Szeged, Hungary on March 18, 2022
Judit Horváth, M.D. Ph.D. Habil. associate professor emerita from University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary and Aleksandra Sędzikowska, Ph.D from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland spoke at an event hosted by Prof. Antal Nógrádi, Head of Department of Anatomy at University of Szeged Medical School in Hungary. The meeting was facilitated by Andras D. Nagy, MD. PhD. Habil., University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary. There were 25 participants.
ME # 4 in Lublin, Poland on March 23, 2022
Medical University of Lublin, Poland hosted this event, with Prof. Kamil Torres MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs as a host, Justyna Niderla-Bielińska, from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland and Margarita Mondaca from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden as speakers. The event was very well-received by the 33 participants in person and online audience.
ME # 5 in Galway, Ireland on March 28, 2022
NUI Galway School of Medicine and Dr Yvonne Finn, MD, MRCPI, FIPC, Lecturer in Clinical Methods and Clinical Practice, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences NUI Galway, Ireland hosted our event there. A small but engaged audience gathered to listen to Aida Wahlgren, Dr. MD Lecturer, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden and Katarzyna Pietrzak, MSN from Medical University of Gdańsk in Poland. There were also participants who joined online.
ME # 6 in Poznań, Poland on May 25, 2022
Our well-attended event at the Poznan University of Medical Scieces (PUMS) was hosted by dr hab. Bogna Gryszczyńska and facilitated by the CLILMED Project Coordinator, Justyna Gieżyńska. The speakers were Agnieszka Daca, PhD from Medical University of Gdansk, Poland and Zoltan Berente, PhD from University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary. There were 25 attendees.
ME # 7 in Ireland (online) on June 7, 2022
This event was hosted by Professor Peter Cantillon, Department of General Practice, NUI Galway and Chairperson of INHED, Ireland. It was facilitated by Andras D. Nagy, MD. PhD. Habil. from University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary. The speakers were Zsuzsa Nébenführer, MD, PhD from Semmelweis University, Hungary and Katarzyna Popko, PhD from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. 20 persons attended online.
ME # 8 in Stockholm, Sweden on March 23, 2022
This Multiplier Event took place at the Swedish Red Cross with Jenny Cadstedt as host. It was facilitated by Jennifer Valcke, PhD and Amani Eltayb, PhD of Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The speakers were Kristof Laszlo, MD, PhD of University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary and Robert Kupis, MD of Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland. 21 persons attended.
ME # 9 in Debrecen, Hungary on March 23, 2022
Our Multiplier Event at the Department of Anatomy of the University of Debrecen Medical School was attended by 23 persons. The host was Prof. Péter Szűcs, Head of Department of Anatomy and Andras D. Nagy, MD. PhD. Habil. from the University of Pécs was the facilitator. Speakers were Karima Chergui, PhD from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden and Dr Joanna Fąferek of Jagiellonian University Medical, Poland.
ME # 10 in Warsaw, Poland on June 10, 2022
During the multiplier event at the Medical University of Warsaw the speakers discussed the project and the solutions it delivered. They were: Dr Marta Kurzeja, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; Justyna Gieżyńska, CLILMED Project Coordinator, Luminar Foundation, Poland; Andras D. Nagy, MD. PhD., University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary; Purva Srivastava, Atlantic Language, Ireland; Zsuzsa Nébenführer, MD, PhD, Semmelweis University, Hungary; Aleksandra Sędzikowska, Ph.D, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; Damian Szczęsny, PhD, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland; Dr. Zoltán Berente, PhD. Habil, University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary; Prof. Magdalena Szopa, Jagiellonian University Medical, Poland; Amani Eltayb, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. There were 27 attendees.
ME # 11 in Barcelona, Spain on September 14, 2022
The 60-minute session during the European Association for International Education (EAIE) annual conference in Barcelona, Spain intended for rectors, vice-rectors for internationalisation, vice-rectors for didactics, deans, heads of programmes, academic teachers, educational developers, Erasmus academic coordinators, and policy makers. Apart from learning about CLILMED, the participants were asked to reflect on different cultural values associated to teaching and learning, debunk myths about the impact of language on teaching and understand the implications of educational research on the quality of medical education.
The speakers were Jennifer Valcke, PhD, Educational Developer w Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL) at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, Andras D. Nagy, MD. PhD., University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary and Justyna Gieżyńska, CLILMED Project Coordinator, Luminar Foundation, Poland. 21 persons attended the event.
ME # 12 in Stockholm, Sweden on September 29, 2022
During the Educational Congress at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden representatives from Luminar Foundation, Poland, University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary and KI delivered a seminar on “Teaching medical sciences in English: how to work in a multilingual classroom”; they presented the CLILMED project and all its deliverables. The session was part of a larger one on Agenda 2030 and the contemporary challenges to medical education. The entire congress focussed on student-centred pedagogy and active learning, and the seminar was presented in active learning mode. The seminar was delivered by Justyna Gieżyńska, expert in international higher education, Luminar Foundation, Poland, Andras Nagy, an academic teacher from University of Pécs Medical School, and Jennifer Valcke, PhD, an educational developer at the Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL) at Karolinska Institutet. Two of earlier ME participants, Aida Wahlgren and Margarita Mondaca took part in the seminar to further strengthen our cause. There were 32 attendees.
ME # 13 in Brussels, Belgium on October 24, 2022
During the project, we researched, developed and wrote “Policy recommendations on the use of modern methods of teaching in the context of internationalisation of higher education: medical universities and the CLIL method as a case study” and then we organized a interactive seminar on policy recommendation. This seminar, held at Haute École Léonard de Vinci gathered persons interested in enacting change beyond the university level: at regional, national or even European levels. This was an international audience. We held this interactive seminar on policy recommendations for improving the quality of teaching in internationalised (medical) higher education at Haute École Léonard de Vinci (Brussels, Belgium). Sustainable Development Goal 4 calls for (medical) higher education institutions to enhance the quality of education. Join us for a discussion on how to transform the traditional teacher-centred model and transition towards a transformational model fit for the wicked problems of climate change and globalisation. How can we support (medical) educators to create unlimited opportunities for students to learn and develop multiple ways of doing for lifelong learning? What policies and strategies should universities consider. Through the findings of CLILMED, an Erasmus Strategic Partnership, which draws upon evidence-based innovative pedagogies, we have developed tools for the professional development of (medical) educators for the multilingual and multicultural learnin space. Jennifer Valcke of Karolinska Institutet, Sweden and Justyna Gieżyńska of Luminar Foundation, Poland briefly presented the project and went in depth about what needs to be changed at each level to secure change. There were 23 participants.
ME # 14 online on October 28, 2022
The interactive Leadership Forum in Higher Education was an online conference on improving the quality of teaching in internationalised medical higher education. This CLILMED edition of the Leadership Forum was called Students in Focus: Learning-Centred Pedagogy that Transforms Higher Education. During the conference we discussed how we can transform the traditional teacher-centred model and how to support medical educators in creating learning opportunities for students in a way fitting the needs of today’s global societies. We also addressed how the project supports Sustainable Development Goal 4, which calls for higher education institutions to enhance the quality of education. The conference presented the findings of CLILMED, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. In this project, which draws upon evidence-based innovative pedagogies, we have developed tools for the professional development of medical educators for the multilingual and multicultural learning space. During the conference we discussed how we can transform the traditional teacher-centred model and how to support medical educators in creating learning opportunities for students in a way fitting the needs of today’s global societies. We also addressed how the project supports Sustainable Development Goal 4, which calls for higher education institutions to enhance the quality of education. There were 29 participants.